Criminal law

Crimes against public health

  • Drug trafficking: Advice and defense in processes related to the manufacture, transportation, distribution or marketing of illicit substances.
  • Food and medicine: Cases involving the production, distribution or sale of products that do not comply with health regulations.

Crimes against road safety

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs: Representation in cases involving non-compliance with traffic regulations due to substance use.
  • Reckless driving: Defense in situations where one is accused of endangering road safety.

Crimes of injury

  • Physical assault: Defense in proceedings where one is accused of or has been the victim of bodily harm.
  • Reckless injuries: Cases of negligence or accidents that result in personal injury.

Crimes against sexual freedom

  • Sexual abuse and assault: Legal assistance in cases that affect people's sexual integrity and freedom.
  • Sexual harassment: Representation in situations of harassment with sexual connotations in any field.

Crimes against property

  • Robbery, theft, fraud and usurpation: Defense in proceedings related to the theft of property, fraud in transactions or misappropriation of real estate.
  • Crimes related to property damage: Representation in cases of destruction, deterioration or intentional damage to other people's property.

Crimes against freedom and honor

  • Threats and coercion: Cases related to intimidation, pressure or violence to condition decisions or actions.
  • Defamation and libel: Representation in slander proceedings or actions that seriously affect a person's reputation and dignity.

Crimes against public order

  • Participation in riots and public disorders: Defense in cases related to disturbances to public order or actions that generate collective chaos.
  • Violent demonstrations and disobedience: Representation in processes arising from conduct that challenges authority or involves violence in protest contexts.

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